To be screwed over and have one's schedule ruined for the whole week.
We just got Roffed by that prima donna band.
by mad camp July 13, 2009
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Acronym for Roll on the floor starving.
1)I'm so hungry ROFS!

2) ROFS you're so fat!
by Diglett May 6, 2007
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Relating to the popular ROFL ( Rolling on the floor laughing ). ROF stands for "Rolling on the Floor". This occurs when there is a fire and all of sudden you have to "Roll on the Floor" so your ass doesnt get burnt, or when something funny happens and the laughing is self explanitory; therefore one would just "ROF"
Holy shit there's a fire, quick ROF!

Oh my god, that girl has a mean cameltoe, i just ROF'D a little.
by Chillwill5510 May 23, 2010
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An abbreviation for "Rate of Fire." This is used only over the internet when weaponry is the topic. Elsewhere, one would say "Rate of Fire"
The MG-42 machine gun has a much higher rof than the MG-34.
by BlastMaster May 17, 2003
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To PWN and/or rape a novie.
wow dude you just got roffed.

dude i just roffed some noob.

yeah bitch you got roffed!
by pooplip March 22, 2008
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For when you want to ROFL but you simply cannot due to losing your voice.
MALE: What do you call a no eyed deer ?
FEMALE: I don't know, what ?
by Cassi3214 April 19, 2011
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