The act of tickling a person without their consent and against their will, i.e., raping someone with tickles.
Though she screamed 'NO!' multiple times, Jill never mentioned she had diarrhea while Jack was rickling her.
by pkells November 19, 2009
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Some one that was just dominated in something (video games)
~Nick Q just got rickled in NHL 08!

by Juan P. October 23, 2007
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1. A synonym for "wrecked" or rekt.

2. When you are given up by Rick Astley.

3. A middle-aged white mom's version of rickrolled.
1. Get rickled scrub!

2. He did the impossible. Rick rickled me!

3. My mom heard me say rickrolles and she thougt I said rickled.
by OG :] March 19, 2017
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dude, that board is way rickles.
by lalala345 August 20, 2008
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while one is holding back a hefty bowel movement another party sneaks up to the "Beholder" and tickles them. Thus expelling any form whether it be solid or liquid, or that nasty in between, into the tickle-victim had into his or her pants
"Dude, i just got rickled! Turn the car around, NOW!"

"Rickle me once, shame on you. Rickle me twice, thats alot of poo."
by MasterCylinder April 12, 2010
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It’s like a rim job but instead of licking your tickling.
I gave Josh the greatest Rickle of his life yesterday.


Do you see Stacey giving Josh that Rickle yesterday.
by Snozer the dominator October 29, 2018
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To steal another's date, especially during a formal function
Jake: Did you hear what happened to Mike last night?
Anthony: No, what!?
Jake: He got rickled by his brother.
Anthony: Damn that sucks. At least they're eskimo brothers now too.
by tomatobeta June 6, 2012
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