A medicated topical preparation that's purportedly intended to soothe muscle-pain/stiffness, but is so horrendously powerful/concentrated (think, the searingly-strong stuff that Laurel Jr. spilled onto Hardy Jr.'s behind after accidentally shooting him with the BB gun in the movie "Brats", with predictably hysterical-screaming-and-writhing results) that the unfortunate user of said concoction actually feels like it's murdering ("eliminating") him.
Perhaps Achmed didn't get his flesh removed by the "premature detonation" of his suicide-bomb --- on the show, it is stated that Achmed's son AJ had "sent him a bottle of skin-lotion" as a gift, so maybe it was actually Rattlesnake Bill's eliminiment, and it literally dissolved the flesh right off him. It's no wonder, then, that the resentful Achmed later contemptuously "sent him back half a bottle", and that AJ now looks largely "skeletonized", just like his body-less dad... probably HE tried some of the eliminiment on HIMSELF, with similarly-horrific results.
by QuacksO June 1, 2018
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The act of sounding a penis with a small bottle of hot sauce, then emptying it’s contents into the urethra right before ejaculation and removing the bottle. This causes the ejaculant to mix with the hot sauce, causing a burning euphoric orgasm that can last up to 20 minutes.
“Did you hear the President last night? Sounded like a red hot Russian was giving him a red hot rattlesnake.”
by YBTEXAS April 24, 2018
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A male thing filled with STDs. See banana hammock
"That stripper rocks a rattlesnake hammock, so I wouldn't bring him home."
by Ghost_anon May 31, 2022
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When you grow your pubes out, put beads in them and then wiggle your hips whenever you’re horny
I was ready to go to bed, but she did Thee Rattlesnake and I knew it was game on
by protoiletrider June 17, 2022
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When someone goes above and beyond to be extra secretive and deceitful and more shady than a person usually would be.
Did you see what Kim did last week at school? She cheated on 4 of her tests and was flirting behind her boyfriend's back. She's such a Rattlesnake.
by CaliFORya49 September 3, 2017
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