When a reply to a tweet gets more likes than the tweet it was replying to, usually indicating the unpopularity or stupidity of the original tweet
by FF29 July 7, 2020
When someone posts something unwholesome and cringe, then someone else gets more upvotes than them for owning them.
u/stupididiot428: "Minecraft is bad" -12 upvotes
u/WholesomeChungusFan: "minecraft good fortnite bad" 69420 upvotes (nice)
u/KeanuMusk69: "lol this unwholesome fortnite kid just got ratioed" 1337 upvotes everyone liked that
u/WholesomeChungusFan: "minecraft good fortnite bad" 69420 upvotes (nice)
u/KeanuMusk69: "lol this unwholesome fortnite kid just got ratioed" 1337 upvotes everyone liked that
by InternetPoopStalker June 29, 2021
When a reply gets more likes than the original tweet or post, usually a sign of superiority of the replier and a moment of utter embarrassment for OP
by LilMinecraftGamers December 28, 2021
a term created by dumbass twitter users to feel "superior" by getting more likes than the original tweet
by idk6000 July 2, 2021
by #EmilyAndBrody June 23, 2021
by Geenobie June 26, 2021
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