by J.J.Clark October 5, 2021
This is a colloquial version of the word "probably", in common usage in the upper Midwest, especially those areas of Wisconsin whose populations were drawn from German-speaking immigrants like Milwaukee and Madison. Definitely predates Internet.
by Thoringerveer March 18, 2016
Shortened version of "probably". Typically used in online conversations, although REALLY lazy people have started using it in verbal conversations as well...
by Sarah February 5, 2004
Obviously a shortened word for 'probably' now used in internet conversations. Before the advent of this usage, it was commonly used in southern U.S. states in particular Texas as common vernacular and does NOT indicate laziness but dialectal and regional verbage.
Using 'prolly' is not a sign of idiocy or laziness but apropos savoir faire, subcultural quirks, accents and mannerisms just like many other phrases that come out of regional places.
Just think Pigeon English in Hawaii, Brooklyn slang or English/British expressions....we all got 'em!
Using 'prolly' is not a sign of idiocy or laziness but apropos savoir faire, subcultural quirks, accents and mannerisms just like many other phrases that come out of regional places.
Just think Pigeon English in Hawaii, Brooklyn slang or English/British expressions....we all got 'em!
Y'all prolly think I'm dumb for using this but it ain't so. I just wanna get to the point faster without havin' ta use so many goddamn letters! ;D
by Damiana00 December 22, 2010
by antweb December 26, 2016
by Lyssa DL May 12, 2008