Fruity, wealth flow like crops and flowers blossom (Cambodian names)
Her name is Phally. Her life would be as blossom as her name.
by Veocity February 28, 2015
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an architectual term which dating back to ancient architecture means itlooks like a penis.
the eiffel tower is a giant phallis
by blujeens February 1, 2008
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Very popular Cambodian female name. The meaning of the name means “prosperity”.
Hey Phally(prounounce “Pallythe h is silent, kinda like Jose in Spanish, not Josie, it’s Hozay.
by Phally September 10, 2018
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She had seen a wide array of phalli in her lifetime.
by Jaeba April 17, 2003
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Phallie is beautifully unique in every way :)
Has the best spunky style and can pull anything off!

A small town girl with potential of being a city girl.

Girly, but hippie.
True believer in "I like to keep my money right where i can see it - hanging in my closet."
Has a lot of hopes and dreams and is a hopeless romantic.
Best roomie ever!
Did you see the outfit she was wearing? Of course, only Phallie could pull that off!
by yassy17 October 12, 2010
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This person is frequently labelled the asian lesbian. They tend to have possessive qualities over you or Camila Cabello, their possessive qualities tend to kick in when 'Camila' is not pronounced in their preferred ways.
'' Hey Phally''
'' Did you see my posts on tumblr bout my bae Camellah ''
'' EXCUSE YOU ! ITS CAMILA!!!!!!!!!!!!!''
by DOGGOWOOF September 3, 2017
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Playboy Phally.
Get all the hoes
Watch out for phally. He’ll still yo bitch
by Jizzywithit November 24, 2021
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