As per is simply short for as per usual. Given that the phrase is so common in everyday usage, dropping the usual makes it much easier to say and is designed to be used in a non formal manner.
by therealdoogie February 7, 2011
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An abbreviation for "personal". Used to explain to others your status involving outside heads on your blunt.

To "only roll pers", to have obtained enough weed to declare that you need a blunt all to yourself to be satisfied and/or have the power to do so.
"lets all throw down 2 grams for this next blizz"

"tell you what, you guys do that, ima roll a one eighth pers blunt"
by Ridgefields Finest October 26, 2007
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Gender neutral pronoun, derived from the word person. It can be used as a replacement for his/her and he/she, since both of these are long and sound unnatural in common speech. Moreover, the variation perself can be used as a replacement for himself/herself.
God didn't create skin color for us to use it as a basis of discrimination. Per created all humans equal.

Bran got sloppy during combat and got perself killed.
by perself October 31, 2020
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When a woman is having her period or about to.
Clyde: "Are you on your per-per?"

Jane: "Oh, she is just on her per-per..."
by Mr. Super Pib January 5, 2012
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1. alternate word for "yes"
2. name of bar
3. to do (sex)
4. alternate word for the name Roddy
1. "Do you want to meet me later?" - "per"
2. Do you wanna go to the "per"?
3. To per, or not to per?
4. Hey per!
by PerOrNoPer June 18, 2008
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per- a scandinavian masculine name. usually owned by sexy beasts with hard rock abs. they're known to game, whether it be video games or sports. if you see a per, make sure to immediately be friends with them. they'll stay with you forever, whether you like it or not. luckily, you'll want to stick with them forever. they're the nicest of all.
'yoooo, its Per!'
'thank you for helping me, Per'
"nice hard rock abs Per"
by gaeperion April 10, 2021
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How people say the name of my hometown when they can't pronounce the 'th' sound. It has become a bit of a cultural statement round these parts.
"I think I'll go vacation in Per'."
"Go see a speech therapist dude."
by Alex Quantashassle May 30, 2005
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