Ladies in Hawaii be like “Mahalo!” the second I land. I mahalo-ed a girl last night…it was disgusting…she was well freaked out!
by Hambone Fakenamington October 31, 2022
A skier term for chill, relaxed, hello, good vibes, and an all around lifestyle. It is usually said with the hang loose sign.
by buttmuncher9999 August 27, 2013
Mahalo, slang word from hello is most commonly used between two or more mountain bikers to greet one another.
Mahalo my dudes
by TTC9899 June 2, 2017
by stineyB August 7, 2003
by soconfused November 28, 2005
by mahalo my dudes April 6, 2017
A parting word, as in "Good-bye," or "Until we meet again." Hawaiian in origin, it was popularized by author and gonzo journalist Hunter S. Thompson, who used it frequently in his columns and diatribes. People mistakenly credit it to later sources, such as Adam Carolla, but these people are all fifteen.
Until next time, remember to trust in America and keep your middle finger pointed at George W. Bush. Mahalo.
by Adam Greensage November 28, 2005