The meaning to have sex or masturbate with someone else.
These two girls jeeted by the tree the other day.

Did you hear about the new couple? Turns out they jeeted eachother the other day.
by Luvvvsantii August 23, 2023
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A combination of Uber Eats and Jeets (a shortening of Pajeet) as a reference to many Uber Eats workers, particularly in Canada, being of Indian origin and many of which speaking in broken or nonexistent English.
I just ordered a pizza with Uber Jeets
by BlueTiger27 July 11, 2024
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A fat Indian who only eats out and his mom can’t cook he claims he works out and has talked to a girl but everyone knows he’s lying he’s never been good at anything in his live and is so unattractive
Jeet sarkar is so doesn’t eat”-said no one ever
by Jeetsfat January 20, 2020
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Jeet is an extremely intellectual and charming creature who happens to possess the most tempting and delicious feet on planet earth. When the british fled india, they really were looking to steal jeet's feet but had to settle for the kohinoor. Yes, jeet's feet are very nice.
Hey look! I see jeet's feet! What a truly mesmerizing sight.
by Fl4569 September 8, 2022
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Smelled my neighbor cooking so I grabbed some beers and walked over. He said “ hey bud, Jeet yet”?
by Heater44 August 14, 2022
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When you risk it for the biscuit and it pays off and you're left with a sticky mess
by i_like_t1dd13s August 31, 2020
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