I-I, D-don’t, G-give, A-A, F-fuck, A-about, L-life=
by twisler kookie (: January 26, 2022
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I don't give a f*** ~ something to say when someone is annoying you about something you don't care about or when their opinion is not valued by you.
Annoying Person~My birthday is in 239 days!
by XxZoexX July 27, 2020
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I don't give a fuck
something to say when someone is bugging you about something you don't care.
AnnoyingP3rson91: hey, you know what that girl in school did?
IdgafAboutThat: Read my screen name.
by Offlineuser January 17, 2009
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"i thought you were grounded"
by ferferrr February 27, 2008
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An acronym for 'I don't give a fuck'.


Used when you don't care about something, or have no opinion on a matter.

Sometimes used without the 'i', ie "I dgaf about her".
Person 1: Hey hey you you I don't like your girlfriend
Person 2: idgaf
by Skyler Fowler August 13, 2007
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listen man..idgaf about your girlfriends problems
by mfea March 9, 2008
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MORE than just an abbreviation for "I Dont Give A Fuck." IDGAF is an attitude..a brazen spirit...A state of mind..

To be IDGAF is to have high energy that's legit, charismatic and ultimately, positive in every way. In no way is it negative, as long as it is used with moderation and consideration of the environment. (for example being sexually assertive idgaf on a first date may not be the best idea, unless you know she's into it ;)

IDGAF-ery is a common trait among ballers, musicians, pimps, sensual lovers, dancers and MLBCs.
Nick: "c'mon John, this is the last bus that gets us across town, I'm not gonna rap and break dance down the bus aisle while you be droppin' beats...we'll get all kinds of annoyed responses and probably get us kicked off."

John: "hey man, IDGAF!!! No worries."
by greenfairy6969 February 12, 2009
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