A good looking, charming guy who has the ability to make anyone smile or feel happy. He can also be very difficult and stubborn at times but is all too easy to forgive
by xxh.hxx July 11, 2013
A guy who is tall and handsome and is very kind hearted and sharing amongst his family. He can be very cunny but is very smart to and is money driven. He looks like a friendly giant most will say.
by Rahted August 7, 2019
by JustBetter September 14, 2022
A cheat, a phony and a lier. Often associated with young teens using myspace to lie about jobs they don't have.
Guy 1) You know that guy is a total hendry
Guy 2) I know, I actually believed him for a second. Hes nothing but a total hack job now.
Guy 2) I know, I actually believed him for a second. Hes nothing but a total hack job now.
by ExhaustGasTemp March 8, 2008
The almighty kicker of asses. He is God. I only wish i had 6.95 a month to subscribe to his bible. If you have not listened to him, you will probably go to hell. Every single night you will laugh too much.
And on the 6th day god created man. Then he rested whilst listening to KFI los angeles. After hearing his greatest creation, Phil Hendrie, he proceeded to laugh, and it was damn good.
by Phil shot the DC sniper January 29, 2004
A cocktail that looks like a poo floating in the toilet. Named after the famous Matt Hendry after leaving a floater in a toilet in surfers paradise for 3 days.
It consists of Midori, Redbull, Kahlua, and 1 bite sized picnic bar.
It consists of Midori, Redbull, Kahlua, and 1 bite sized picnic bar.
A) Dude, have you tasted the hendry steamer ? it tastes so much better than it looks.
B) Hey bro, lets order a round of Hendry Steamer's.
B) Hey bro, lets order a round of Hendry Steamer's.
by Bongus_Man July 21, 2008
A radio personality out of LA. He does the voices of many characters. Then he proceeds to interview himself, being the character and him. If you don't know who he is, you should, it is AMAZING. BOOYEAH!
by BrettyH February 18, 2003