The state you are in when you get fucked up on large quantities of Mc Donalds.
Dude we went to Mcy D's the other day and got fucking grimaced.
by Shishio June 2, 2011
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The big purple thing from the old McDonalds commercials. Immortal. Arch-Nemesis of Officer Big Mac.
by Fireconverse November 21, 2004
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the big purple guy from mickey d's. he is actually supposed to represent a tastebud. imagine that!
a costumed guy dressed as the grimace knocked down a small child in the parking lot. hilarity ensued...
by da trick biatch January 17, 2006
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(v.) To frown. Period. Not some McDonald's sex act or some shit.
Alice grimaced when Bob emasculated himself with his pants zipper at their son's school. His cock and balls fell right in the boy's mouth.
by Yopmail User July 1, 2023
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When your co-worker named Nichole comes to work wearing a BIG purple sweatshirt and expects no one to comment on it.
Oh look, Nichole looks like Grimace in that sweatshirt!
by LD1637 October 13, 2011
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When an extremely fat or large pear shaped person wears too tight clothing. Typically the clothes are purple in color.
by mccoolio January 26, 2006
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i love grimace more then the hamburgerler.
by mr world. March 21, 2007
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