by Neutral June 2, 2016
a piece of clothing that you could put over your body to keep you warm just like jacob satourisis’s music video. jacob said that you could wear his sweatshirt.
by Victorious Legend June 19, 2019
An item of your boyfriends or fwb that girls constantly steal because it smells like them and it reminds them of the guy when they are apart. Usually, the girl gives the guy her scrunchie after she gets his sweatshirt. PSA: Guys when you give you girl your sweatshirt leave her a note in the pocket
Definition #1: A song ruined by Jacob Sartorious
Definition#2: A coat type things that are hella warm and comfy often the things girls steal from their boyfriend♡
Definition#2: A coat type things that are hella warm and comfy often the things girls steal from their boyfriend♡
by Kaye♡ December 22, 2018
a stupid song written by some dumbass teenage boy named jacob sartorious who thinks he is famous and can get with any girl just cos he lipsynced on
JACOB:YOU CAN WEAR MY SWEATSHIRT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GIRLS: i dont want it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GIRLS: i dont want it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by xoxoprivateschoolgirl January 8, 2020
The belief that sweatshirts or hoodies should be worn at ALL times. Females who practice this are usually considered tomboys, skaters, insecure, etc. Although some cases actually are, most believers are simply avid lovers of sweatshirts.
Boy: It's so hot outside! Why on earth are you wearing a sweatshirt?
Girl: Haven't you ever heard of sweatshirtism?
Girl: Haven't you ever heard of sweatshirtism?
by laumm. January 12, 2011