44 definitions by da trick biatch
by da trick biatch May 10, 2006
the thirty minutes before nightfall, or the thirty minutes after night falls.basically the 1 hour time frame as it becomes dark.
by da trick biatch December 20, 2005
someone who doesn't give a shit! they will shit LOUDLY in a public restroom, without worrying about who might hear them! the shitting is accompanied by loud farting, grunting and plops.they often don't flush, either,so everyone can enjoy the fruits of their labor.
did you hear that shameless shitter in the restroom? omg! that was NASTY!!!!! i hope they at least flushed!
by da trick biatch March 3, 2006
those unpleasant, sometimes painful spots sunglasses cause on either side of your nose. they ruin your makeup, and look crazy.
by da trick biatch December 22, 2005
by da trick biatch May 12, 2006
an unfunny person, who only has 1 joke up his sleeve. he is the reason everyone thinks southerners are stupid. had a sitcom that thankfully failed. he must die!
by da trick biatch December 21, 2005
by da trick biatch December 21, 2005