Very small measurement used by toolmakers & engineers, or roughly .0001 or one ten thousandth of an inch. Actual size may vary between shops, but always much less than a pussy hair. About one tenth of a skosh which is equal to approximately one nudge of the dial.

Note: When specified, generally regarded as smaller than the smallest one can measure or produce, since while most people intuitively understand that a gnat's ass is pretty small, few have actually bothered a gnat to measure one.
"Clearance is clearance, Clarance, but that die is only missing by a gnat's ass".
by aethernet September 3, 2006
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Those little annoying flies that are attracted to / gather around an open beer after it's been left out for a night. My only question is "Damn, where do they come from"
Beer Gnat
by Shawn Cassick August 29, 2008
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'Can you move the bookcase over a gnats cock?'

'Is that in the right place?' 'No, just move it a gnats...'
by softmint March 22, 2014
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small gnats flying around a dogs pecker when its hot outside
Bob:Hey bill look at spot hes swarming with pecker gnats, hes licking his balls, bet you wish you could do that Bill: spot would probably bite me Bob.
by briar gates November 14, 2004
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n. A person who smells like ass.

v. "shat-gnatting, shat-gnatter" The act of sipping another's duck butter through a straw.
v. That girls breath smelled so bad, it was as if she had been shat-gnatting all night.

n. Holy shit shat-gnat when was the last time you took a bath?!
by mwoods244 July 3, 2010
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Obnoxious gnats that swarm around a male dog's dick during the warmer months. Entomologists theorize they are attracted to the salt contained in the piss crystals matted in the dog's dick fur.
You reckon the reason dogs lick their dicks is to get the dick gnats off their peter??
by wolfbait51 April 3, 2011
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