by Fuken March 13, 2017
A Fuken, pronounced Fyoo-ken, not Fucken, is a person who never drops anything and refuses to let go a stupid little fight that happened a while ago. Someone who is a Fuken seeks attention and cannot function without it. They will ask their friends' irrelevant questions to back up their points. Not only are they attention whores, but they also seem to think that everyone likes them and their opinions no matter how stupid. Basically, you can't win with these guys because they never shut up. It's best to ignore them.
Look at Shawn, what a fucking Fuken.
The definition of fukens is a group of people that do stupid things for attention.
The definition of fukens is a group of people that do stupid things for attention.
by Motherfuckernextdoor September 20, 2018
sick wog 1: bro indoor soccer made me tired az
sick wog 2: no fuken shit bro
sick wog 1: ey look at dat chik uleh!!
sick wog 2: fuken shit she fine az hell
sick wog 2: no fuken shit bro
sick wog 1: ey look at dat chik uleh!!
sick wog 2: fuken shit she fine az hell
by zubb February 5, 2008
by derf and teary February 13, 2005
fucken nice one m8 , that your traveling out of the UK .
example 2 : fuken nice one ,i won the lottery !
example 2 : fuken nice one ,i won the lottery !
by MGT = Mad Gamer Timo July 18, 2006
by bitch October 11, 2004
by 626267 July 9, 2021