42 definitions by bitch


1) Schoolwork either assigned for after school hours, or
2) Schoolwork that must be done after school hours as a result of low in-school productivity.

Some homework is necessary for an effective education. Especially in high school, homework can require dilligence, effort and time management. Only stupid children have signifigant problems managing their homework. Ironically, these are the ones we hear giving their opinions about it most often.
Bob thinks he's too cool for homework. He'd rather play Starcraft like all the cool kids.
by bitch April 30, 2004
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by bitch March 9, 2003
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the slang word for bullet
by bitch February 15, 2005
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Smelly bastard that doesnt take showers, often found in his own shit playing games.
by bitch March 12, 2003
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frisky five

a group of lesiban fivesomes who have dildo sex every night
" You should join the firsky five, bitch"
by bitch January 11, 2005
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ulsta rd

Cunt of cockheads
by bitch August 4, 2003
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Julia Hartenstine you can contact her at LilDevil5439
by bitch August 21, 2003
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