Fleetwood Mac

Hey, you wanna do Fleetwood Mac?
Yes! I love Fleetwood Mac so much! Their Dreams and Everywhere sensations are the best!
by EL SEXO GRATIS September 17, 2023
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Fleetwood Mac

verb. fleet-wud mak

The act or intent of committing a sexual liaison; or to pursue thoughtlessly, or court a band mate, often to the detriment of the stability of the band.

i.e. The Thompson Twins, Berlin, Missing Persons,Ike and Tina, The Breakfast Club (Madonna's First band), etc.
"I can't believe the new bassist tried to Fleetwood Mac the singer."

Rule No 2. (Rule No 1. is show up for practice on time) Thou shall not commit Fleetwood Mac. It will inevitably destroy the band and is considered amongst the highest sins.
by Phuckn February 16, 2012
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Fleetwood Mac

A noun meaning to urinate and flatulate simultaneously. The meaning is derived from the Fleetwood Mac song "Dreams", in which Stevie Nicks sings, "Thunder only happens when it's raining" Nicknames include: "Fleetwood" or "Stevie Nicks".
"Pssssssss, pppput!"
"Awww dude, you just Fleetwood Mac'd!!"
by Tony Massachusetts September 11, 2008
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Fleetwood Mac

"Fuck off you Paraffin. I'm not going to give you give you 50 pence so you can spend it on Fleetwood Mac"
by Alexmate June 11, 2019
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Fleetwood Mac

When you allow yourself to become embroiled in a love triangle.
Jesse: “Oh dear, El should have never got with their metamour. It;s an enticing proposition but essential they've just Fleetwood mac’d themself.”
by olivemondegreen December 2, 2020
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fleetwood mac

An L.A. area band from the 70's and 80's. The band included vocalist Stevie Nicks, guitarist Lindsey Buckingham, and KeyboardistChristine Mcvie, as well as the charter members, Bassist John Mcvie (Christine's now ex husband) and Drummer Mick Fleetwood(both of whom played in the original, more bluesy Fleetwood Mac with Peter Green and Bob Welch). The modern band released several albums, including their very successful self-titled debut album, which included the songs Monday Morning, Landslide,Rhiannon,Say That You Love Me, and I'm So afraid. They followed it with one of the best selling CDs ever (selling 18 Million copies by 1998), with the 1977 release of Rumors. The CD was a concept album dealing with the tension in the group. It had songs such as "Dreams," "Don't Stop," "Go Your Own Way," "Songbird," "The Chain," "You Make Loving Fun," and "Gold Dust Woman." It was followed with a less successful, but still heavily purchased album called "Tusk."

After breaking up in the late 80's the group reunited for President Clunton's inagugural ball. They got back together for a reunion tour called "The Dance" which produced a CD by the same name.

Christine Mcvie left the band in 2003, due to her distaste for touring, but the band carried on, creating Say You Will, their first solo album since 1988's Tango in the Night.
by chuck keychain July 29, 2005
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fleetwood mac

an overrated, cocaine-fueled, whitebread, surburban, corporate, Anglo-American "California" Seventies Adult Contemporary band with a strong yuppie and soccer mom fan base. Their "classic" 1977 album "Rumors" ain't so great. What they did in the Eighties IS an improvement, however. Still, they are a favorite of Tipper Gore, who tried to censor ALL music she didn't like, and take away our freedom of choice and expression. Fleetwood Mac is for those who don't like their music to be too challenging. This is a reason why we had to have the punk rebellion. Check out the members' solo albums for more exciting music.
Fleetwood Mac has a handful of decent singles (like "Tell Me Lies") but that's about it. When Bill Clinton was inaugerated in 1993, Fleetwood Mac reformed to play for the elite crowd. The muckety-mucks were on TV shaking their butts. WFD.
by I Saw U2 Live Twice November 18, 2006
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