by Catra February 3, 2020
by Onias Ben israel July 25, 2019
Mother: This group is the definition of sin. Just saying. When you look up sin in the dictionary, it says “Anti-Caelan”
by no_person_in_particular420 October 7, 2019
An PC game released in the winter period of 1998. Sin was a first person shooter that used the then 'cutting edge' Quake II engine to great effect. Gameplay wise, it shared a few similarities to Goldeneye on the Nintendo 64, where for each level, you had to carry out a set number of tasks in a particular order, to be able to succeed. You played as protagonist John R Blade, who's mission it was to rid the local city called Freeport, of a evil bitch called Elexis Sinclaire, who was in the midst of devising a plan to take over the world, by creating vast mutant armies from a illegal chemical concoction called U4.
When Sin initially came out, critics bashed it for having glitches and freezing issues. However, a patch was eventually released. Although, it never managed to compete with sales of the first Half Life, which was released at around the same time.
by gothic_hobbit December 16, 2010
Holding hands before marriage.
Today in church I learned that holding hands before marriage is a sin
Did you see Becky holding hands with Henry I don't care if they are library buddies, shes still a slut!
Did you see Becky holding hands with Henry I don't care if they are library buddies, shes still a slut!
by 5 foot kings 69 December 24, 2019
by bluuskkye77 September 23, 2018
by CatboySin February 14, 2021