
Basically a person equivalent to a walking shit stain, no purpose in life, below average iq and generally look pretty funny. Droids are like npc’s in gta, repetitively living the same stupid and pathetic life. You can tell if you have encountered a droid by observing their face and actions.
Yo bro, look at that walking droid over there. It’s not looking good for his friends and family.
by Cyboris Bloborus April 28, 2021
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A badass line of smartphones from Verizon Wireless that run on the Android operating system.
Guy- "Dude, what kind of phone is that? It's so badass."

Guy 2- "Dude, that's my new Droid RAZR."
by ethan123445676433 July 4, 2012
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A Blunt that consists of Fentanyl, Windex, Cocaine, Codeine, PCP, and indica weed
Yo tonight ima be smoking that Droid

I lost my vision smoking Droid it was so gas
by DripGodRico and codeine witch October 20, 2023
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A word to describe awesomeness. Something that is badass.
Person 1: That is awesome
Person 2: Yeah I'd say thats pretty Droid
by texasfan412 January 11, 2010
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They can also be referred as droid friend. A person (mostly white teen girls) who has dyed hair and has anime (shit) pins on their backpack. Most of the times they are part of the annoying side of the LGBTQ+. It is optional to be a fat fuck but most of the times they tick it. They were probably feed on mercury.
Oh look at that group of droids. I have today's droid-game in my pocket.

Hello droid friend!
Look at that friend, they are such a humongous droid.

POV: droid. POV: cringe.
by dog-head May 12, 2022
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Used back in 50BC a early form of hoody's and likely to be a assassin's like Assassin's Creed
King: Look its a Droid! take him! he maybe a assassin!
Guards: Kill him!!!!!!
by Billza February 14, 2008
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The Droid

1. n. The end of evolution; the epitome of all that is technologically sound and perfect. A phone created by the Motorola Corporation in the summer of the year of our Lord Two-Thousand and Nine that has effectively ended the ability to invent anything but new "apps", or "applications", for said The Droid. Can do anything, for any reason, at any time.

2. n. (see GOD)

3. adj. Used to describe something that is not only epic, but totally makes the bitches cream their pantaloons.

4. adj. Used to describe any one entity/nonentity that is infantessimally better that the iPhone.

5. v. The act of dominating another person place or thing entirely, on every level of their existence. (also see PWN)
1. Carl: Dude, is that The Droid??

James: Totally bro. I just got it today

Carl's Girlfriend: James, could I possibly suck your dick?

James: Sure. (turns to camera) Thanks, Pussy Magnet App!!

Carl: Noooooooo!!! (cries like a bitch.)

2. (from scripture) And The Droid said, Let there be light: and there was light.

3. Steven: Bro. Did you see that LeBron James cross-court drive?? That shit was The Droid, son!!!

Drew: Yeah...(looks down)

Steven: Bro, did you just cream your pants?? I thought you were a dude!!!

Drew: I haven't always been a dude...

4. Jason: Sex is The Droid

Modias: I don't know, my iPhone is pretty cool...

Jason: Fag.

5. In Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, a major camper was trying to chill out with the Intervention, but x W4rg4mer x totally The Droid that fag with one shot from an AT4-HS.
by Maybe Rocks April 5, 2010
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