Scottish contraction for 'do not.' Used in both Scottish English and the Scots language. Past tense: didna
by wp82 May 6, 2011
Often mistaken for Deena, Dinna is short for Dinnasaurus- the only dinosaur species that made it past the great extinction. Characterized by long neck, unusually small hands and a big heart.
by derealslim November 24, 2021
by Dinnajuju February 16, 2021
by Big Chief February 3, 2003
Scottish slang for "did not"
by PizzleCizzle January 25, 2003
Means Don't this is a correction of the other word in this dictionary who say 'Scottish' people use the word when it is atcually Edinburghians (people from Edinburgh, Scotland) who use this word. It is usually accompanied by 'ken' meaning know also used by Edinburghians not Glaswegian's.
by Dylan Ritchie August 3, 2009