One who encompasses all qualities of a huge duffel bag full of penises. One who does not understand that driving 2 hours to Sebring, FL for a fantasy draft and then driving back home and retuning at 2 am when the traveler has a 6 am flight.
Kaleb is a douche. That dickbag took Terrell Owens in the 10th round even though that nigga don't have a job.
by Codes123466 August 21, 2013
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Scumbag, Condom, Jimmy, rubber, protection.
Don't flush the dickbag down the toilet, it wreaks havoc on the septic system...
by GR March 19, 2003
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another term for a dickhead, but slightly more offensive.
you took the last beer. you dickbag.
by dirk dig November 19, 2004
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usually used as a light insult, toward solely friends, as it is not really insulting at all; a jerk; sometimes used in place of idiot;
jim: bob, i've got a confession to make.
bob: yea, jim?
jim: i fucked your mother.
bob: you dickbag!
by sir nathaniel August 1, 2008
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A bitchy freshman douche bag boy, who breaks up with his amazing Junior girl friend because he cares so much what people think is a dickbag
by Guptard March 7, 2011
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A bag of uncircumcised Cocks. Like a stubborn DickBag but you can kick it and it will move.

Women also buy these for batchlorette party's
Person 1: What did you get heather for her party?
Person 2: a big DickBag!
Person 1: Shit! I got her the same thing!
by LoudSilence May 7, 2017
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