by T-I-F-F-A-N-Y March 17, 2006
by bwise180 February 8, 2009
by Lammy February 1, 2019
Causing mayhem and destruction.
by HISprincess7 March 21, 2018
Wreak valley is a bag-of-wank school that was originally designed to be used as a prison. the teachers are all wanker and miss morley is a sexist drag queen who needs a good kick in the ovaries
by Matt April 23, 2005
School in Syston, looks like a prison and has psychadellic carpets upstairs from the 70s, with BigMac at the helm. Still awesome even though the green doors are basically time portals back to when Donovan was in the charts and Mr. Booth was a hippy, rather than Ozzy Osbourne.
Well done Dr. Barrie, who cares if you use foul language during a first aid demonstation - awesome!!!
by Dan April 21, 2005
by Leigho November 7, 2004