Damn, that boy Cletus is a dar
by DarMonkey January 29, 2004
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an internal detection system which monitors and registers the presence of a hoe and indicates the hoe-nosity level of a person or groups of people one comes in contact with.
As the cheerleaders passed by me, my hoe-dar went wacko.
by Guess Who March 13, 2004
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Extrasensory perception (ESP) that allows one to immediately know that there is an Asian guy in the vicinity. This is an ability usually possesed by a non-Asian girl who is attracted to Asian guys.
Walking down a crowded street with a friend, Lids was able to detect the presence of Asian guys.

Lids: My Asian-Dar is going haywire!! There are Asian guys ♥ nearby!!
Jess: What? Where??
Lids: *without turning around* Behind me and to my left.
Jess: *looks around* I can't see...omg.. how did you do that??
Lids: I can sense them!!! XD
by lettucebug September 6, 2011
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An uncanny ability to identify members of the tribe. Like gaydar but for Jews.
You'd have to have great j-dar to know Paul Newman is half-Jewish.
by Omar Wasow August 20, 2008
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Basically a hell school that takes the worst out of everything and leaves the great part in the dumpster. The walls are made out of basic cardboard. Students there are either fucking nonstop or studying nonstop. Leftovers of the spoiled jks girls that no longer have friends in jks go there. If your gay then you’ll get easily accepted by the environment just don’t come out. Girls and boys have a stick up their ass,and gossip is the only entertaining thing there. There are rules more than oxygen in the school and every year more money is taken out of your pocket for the same shit. Basically a shit show where everyone hates everyone and snakes are everywhere.
Don’t go to Dar Jana or you’ll get raped.
by Dar Jana March 16, 2019
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Extra sensory perception that allows one to immediatey know who is a homosexual.
Origin: The combination of the words "gay" and "radar".
Harry set off my gay-dar.
by Allora December 2, 2003
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