Cum up

What you do to make up silly definitions at Urban Dictionary.
Phil: What's something we could write in Urban Dictionary?

Dave: I dunno, I'm trying to cum up with one!

Phil: Okay, chill out bro...
by philadave69 March 28, 2009
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cummed up

A messed up, screwed up, or unexplainable problem or situation.
Your girlfriends breath is cummed up. Yo man that toilet is cummed up. The mechanic said my car is really cummed up.
by speedpro81 October 4, 2010
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Cum Up Short

That annoying scenario when you're wanking to a great porno, a good scene comes on, and decide now is the time to go for it. So you get to the vinegar strokes......only for the scene, at that crucial moment, to cut to a far better, hornier one! Thus missing out on an even more intense knee-trembler.

It's one of life's great disappointments.
Dammit Ivan, I was having a great wank last night, only to fucking cum up short! What a jip.
by joz8968 May 13, 2018
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cum it up ur ass

instead of telling someone to fuck off, u tell then to "cum it up their ass"
gary: ur gay man

jeff: get some bread

gary: how bout u cum it up ur ass cunt
by Leo from the projects January 31, 2007
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somehting really fun to call someone, gives u the sence of being more witted and better than your adversary
by Orangechicken October 2, 2004
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Pretty Self Explanatory how ever it is also used to define cheesewanks like STEVE NA
by DJ April 12, 2005
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All Cummed Up

energetic, determined, and full of strong feeling, usually excitement, also can mean anger
"oh man, I am so hungry right now, I'm all cummed up for dinner tonight!"
by FunGuyRobbie March 13, 2024
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