A good looking, well built resident of Cooenhagen, Denmark who has high cheek bones, rides a rusty bike, has sex with whomever they want whenever they want, and who often drinks to a stupor trying to have more sex.
IHej Niels, I did the dirty last night with a hot Copenhagener.
by seamusocadhla September 11, 2016
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Copenhagenization is an expression which coined in the early nineteenth century, and has had seen occasional use since. the expression refers to a decisive blow delivered to a potential opponent, whilst being at peace with that opponent.
Copenhagenization is an expression which coined in the early nineteenth century, and has had seen occasional use since. the expression refers to a decisive blow delivered to a potential opponent, whilst being at peace with that opponent.

"Our cities will be Copenhagenized."
by Sumsar February 6, 2022
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Copenhagen, Chewing Tabacco, Made By The US Smokless Tabacco Co. since 1822 comes in Snuff, long cut, pouches and various flavors such as whiskey blend
you Wanna Dip a Copenhagen?
by TY3606 April 26, 2009
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Brand of chewing tobacco, comes in Long Cut, Snuff, and Black (bourbon flavored).
by Mike Hunt August 2, 2003
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City in Denmark which has the most beautiful women per-capita in the world. I met Francesca there, and will never forget the experience.
Copenhagen is the true romantic capital of the world.
by Kyle March 19, 2005
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