the experience

A male who will change your life.
Hey naomi did you enjoy the experience?

No - he's busy with some other noonie
by asian sensation 1 June 28, 2006
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What you need to get a job but can't get a job until you have.
"do you have experience?"
"then I can't hire you"
"because you don't have experience."
"but if you hire me I'll have experience in like a week!"
"that is irrelevant"
"so am I hired?"
"why not???"
"because you don't have experience"
"just get out"
*whimpers, runs out, gives up on life, never leaves room, dies of starvation*
by! October 14, 2014
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When two girls, usually in college, decide to engage in lesbian activity without having to admit to being lesbians.
According to pop culture, only girls can experiment. Two girls can kiss, eat each other out, and pound each other with dildos and use the word "experimenting" as a rebuttal so they can claim that they're still straight. But if a dude touched another dude's ass, even by accident, he would be forever branded as gay, even if he buried himself in porno, got a bunch of girls pregnant, or had a threesome with Britney Spears and Christinia Aguilera.
by anonymous October 6, 2004
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When you either do something small as kiss to actually have sex with a sex that you normally wouldn't and you never had or wouldn't date. Experimenting does NOT make you bisexual or anything like that.
1. Did you hear that Sarah French kissed Jill? I never knew she was bisexual!
2. She's not shes just experimenting, she told me herself.
by Jake The Doggo November 3, 2016
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The act of someone / people trying out new things. More specifically experimenting with sexuality. What most people don't realize is that we all have bi-curiosity, some just show it more than others. See Kinsey Scale
They're open-minded & know life is short, so they did some experimenting and we're always up for something new.
by sparkwise May 23, 2009
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Participating in something so many times, that they have learned a lesson in it.
Uncle Al took the stairs instead of the elevator with Dad. For he knew from experience my father's farts and elevators are a deadly combination.
by Aaron Hubbard August 29, 2005
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If you have it, you don't need it.
If you need it, you don't have it.
If you have it, you need more of it.
If you have more of it, you don't need less of it.
You need it to get it.
And you certainly need it to get more of it.
But if you don't already have any of it to begin with,
you can't get any of it to get started with,
so you have no idea how to get any of it in the first place.

Bottom line,

If you've never had any of it...ever. People just seem to know.
During his first time at the strip club, Matt was promptly thrown out and savagely beaten in the parking lot for licking Bunny's balloon knot. Needless to say, he did not make the same mistake twice after that experience.
by p-nizzle March 25, 2008
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