
An act of being brave,Like going into war,causing emotional tears for wife/husband and children.Which will make you emotional also.
"I'm brave,I'm confident,I'm strong,I won't give up
by DerpyUnicorn October 24, 2016
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Seperates the men from the boys.
Man, you can tell that guy has confidence. He does what he wants, when he wants to, and he doesn't put up with shit from nobody!
by Tacobake October 21, 2007
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Just fuck life and do whatever shit makes you happy
“Wow, I hate school, i mean my friends did say that that skiving is good, meh, I’ll be confident!”
by Type something here December 13, 2019
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The feeling you get right before you find out what the fuck is actually happening.
KKK Member: Man, I have a lot of confidence today.
Fellow Passenger: That's too bad, we're crash landing in Harlem.
by Fishlord July 9, 2006
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The feeling you get when you are balls deep in someone you care about
by Ikindawannadie September 24, 2018
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With confidence

An amazing aussie pop punk band. Consusting of jayden seeley, inigo del carmen, josh brozzesi and luke rockets. They have a new album out called better weather and an e.p called distance, they are signed to hopeless records. Inigo has never used the gas cooker he bought for the tour because josh said the time it leaked doesnt count.
Have u heard of with confidence.

No, who are they?
An amazing pop punk band!
Well i like justin beiber sooo.....
by Wardrobes.are.wizards September 25, 2016
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Me, I'm confident. You should be confident too 'cuz y'all are amazing.
Be confident hun ya got this
by MyDefinitionsAreTheBest June 9, 2018
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