Criterion for why both the nice girls and the bitches like the assholes. Assholes come up to girls will the soul intent of "nailin' that pussy" and hit on them right away with a touch of sleaziness. But ooooooooo oh how they have confidence! And that makes all the difference, so the guys get what they want, and the girls that aren't sluts regret fucking a week later.
asshole: "suck my dick right now bitch"
girl: (ooooo he's so confident) "present it please!"
confidence is a good thing, but girls mix it up with arrogance because in high school they were used to guys being shy and like the difference in college.
arrogance (misinterpreted as confidence) means that you didn't take his breath away
girl: (ooooo he's so confident) "present it please!"
confidence is a good thing, but girls mix it up with arrogance because in high school they were used to guys being shy and like the difference in college.
arrogance (misinterpreted as confidence) means that you didn't take his breath away
by ZmanIsTheMan November 14, 2009
by chakkerz July 15, 2005
by stealthyasallama June 25, 2005
Man, I'm full of confidence that I can take this 25ft jump off that cliff while skiing backwards. OH SHIT!!
by skijacker February 21, 2011
Being caught in bed with another woman by your girlfriend/fiance/wife and having the balls to smack her on the ass and say your next
Having sex with your "significant others" sister, and when your woman walks in having the confidence to smack her ass and say she is next.
by Tsu7n7ami September 19, 2007
confidence is one of the most peng person you’ll ever meet. She is actually so nice and unlike other dumb bitches confidence can talk shit but she makes sense.
by 46797321 October 7, 2018
One of the reasons why most men with countless temptation nowadays rather prefer the bitches over the shy girls. Since the bitch typically aka. bad girls defies the norm of a good women and do whatever she wants to do at her own discretion, men ironically respect the difference and are allured by it.Not to mention she has an ATTITUDE and sexy stride that will captivate the opposite sex.
A confident woman is SEXXY, but not an egocentric woman. Something initially many younger woman struggle with , until she gets older or experience a jerk. It use to be an attractive thing women were shy until a guy meets a bad girl.
by Philosophiee October 1, 2017