the partially digested, strangely colored substance that appears after a gagging reflex, when you become a multicolored organic fountain. can be used as a noun or a verb, just like vomit
That smells like liquid confetti.
She's such a lightweight, she can liquid confetti after half a beer.
She's such a lightweight, she can liquid confetti after half a beer.
by kelzebra July 19, 2005
Small balls of toilet paper that end up on the floor from overzealous wiping. Usually contains traces of dookie.
I'm not sure who was in this bathroom before me, but judging by the butthole confetti, they're having a rough day.
by Petruzniak March 18, 2020
by MAN CONFETTI October 28, 2020
Mike: *Exits Bathroom* You might want to wait a few minutes before going in there. I just made colon confetti.
Joe: Thanks for the warning!
Joe: Thanks for the warning!
by Diegaa June 19, 2008
by sung park May 18, 2004
Get the ass confetti mug.
"shit babe, you got Champagne confetti in my eye. i can't do this anymore. your pussy tasted old anyways..."
by sat0rus October 1, 2023