A slut, typically a dirty prostitute or meth whore, exhibiting a variety of infected pustules around the mouth, genitala ans rectum including, but not limited to herpes, cold sores, genital warts and scabies.
Roger stopped to pick up a prostitute for a blow on the way home but the street walkers out that night were way to Cankerous so he just went home and gave it a wank.
by Eaton Holgoode October 9, 2015
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A nasty, dirty and often diseased whore's crotch. Typically the filthy crotch and neither region of a prostitute, meth whore or crack whore or just a chick with a dirty, cankered up crotch.
Stan: What's up Carl. Are you seriously going to go out with Jane?
Carl: Yea broooohhhh. I be getting me some a dat!
Stan: You and about six dozen others brooohhhh! That chick is cankered. Wear a sock braaahhhh. Wear a sock!
by Eaton Holgoode May 11, 2015
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A painful white, or sometimes red bump in your mouth. You might get them on the inside of your lips, the inside of your cheeks, or anywhere in your gums. They're normally caused by putting something dirty in your mouth, such as keys, or simply putting money in your mouth (nickles, quaters, dimes etc.) or even not washing your fruits! These things usally last for 1 or 2 weeks. It heals better if you don't put any treatment on it. But try advil to reduce the pain.
Oh damn, i shouldnt've eaten that un-washed apple! I think i got a canker.
by charlotte45 December 27, 2006
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verb - being completely utterly fucked up
adj - corrupt, down right wrong
noun - a worthless bastard

(born through first use on August 29, 2005 through the creative stylings of R&T)
verb: That is so cankered out.
adj: That bitch has been round the block, and damn, she is cankered.
noun: What a fucking canker...
by TDeucez August 30, 2005
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a dried hard compacted snot ball from your nose
put my finger up my nose and pulled out a canker
by Crowtatt June 4, 2006
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Sore caused by herpes or infected shaving bump.
Damn get a load of that canker on his lip!

Hey, don't go down tonight, hon...I have a big nasty canker on my puss.
by nixontrix November 5, 2005
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Mouth ulcer. Basically just a small open wound in your mouth that hurts like hell.
by Bobby De Niro October 31, 2005
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