Sucker punching someone and then following that up by going Ron Artest on the crowd.
Don't throw my own smack talk back in my face or I'll go all Blount on you.
by Jones65 September 6, 2009
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A person who plows through a crowd of people with no concern for their well being.
I was late to class so I decided to be a Blount
by Starving tapeworm January 23, 2017
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1. From the latin ''blouneire', referring to the Hindu God 'Budda'.

2. Another meaning for a product containing 'no fish'.

3. A type of carp, usually found in rivers or streams near sweage sytems.

4. A brand of microwable foods. Creators of 'Speedy Snacks'.
He has the body of a God.....shame it's Budda! (Blount)
by G.K.J.H March 26, 2010
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A sex act which involves putting both the balls, and flacid penis in to someone's mouth.
My girlfriend has such a huge mouth...we have this contest to see how long she can blount me before I get hard.
by iChris January 16, 2006
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