
N. A rotund common person normally seen out of car windows that A. is quite obese and hobbles B. has any awkward looking limbs attached C. is just fat and looks like a bimbly. Side note: most likely will have cankles.
Dena, did you just see that bimbly walking down the street, I bet his wife suckles his muffin top
by proandbow February 23, 2011
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To amble without real aim, yet in a friendly and harmless manner.

It's not required to achieve anything whilst Bimbling, although it's aimlessness is a frequent side effect.

Bimbling can be made a little more business like with a slight hunch of the shoulders.

It is not essential that Bimbling should be a solo sport.
Blissfully bimbling through life without a care in the world.
by World Bimbling champion March 1, 2011
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To amble without real aim, yet in a friendly and harmless manner. It's not required to acheive nothing, though it is a frequent side effect. Bimbling can be made a little more business like with a slight hunch of the shoulders.
Tron and Enid whiled away many a Sunday afternoon on a pleasant bimble round the shops.
by Norm July 9, 2003
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To wander in a happy but slightly disengaged state, though with some harmless or ineffective intent. A certain business is implied. bimble Often used in British Army
Chickens aren't usually bimbling, but a mother duck and a line of ducklings crossing a road and heading into fields probably are. A duckling that breaks away from the group, explores busily and then returns has just had a bimble.

In the Sahara miles from anywhere, a guy walked out of the midday haze carrying nothing but a piece of wood, passed by 50 yards away without looking at us, and headed into the heat. Now HE was bimbling.
by Wuggy December 7, 2007
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to go on an aimless wonder across barren wastelands, usually a biff at some point.
wanna go on a bimble?

do one!
by magnus n prime April 28, 2004
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To go out for a ride on a motorbike, anywhere, having fun.
by HooDooWitch April 16, 2011
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One of them things what doesn't work anymore.


The condition of being one of them things what doesn't work anymore.
Me bimble fell down.


I dropped the engine out me car, and it becomed a bimble.


I just bimbled me engine by dropping it.
by Abe Carroll September 27, 2005
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