
Enid is usually a small, cute, and funny person who everybody loves.
"Let's go hang out with Enid!"
by ThatOneMushrooom April 20, 2021
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An extremely beautiful, talented individual who is kind, funny and intelligent. She usually has large breasts and wears glasses.
Dude: hey she's acting like a total Enid!
by Anonymouswoman86 March 13, 2017
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From Daniel Clowe's Ghostworld character Enid Coleslaw.

A disaffected nerdy-but-stylin' girl with a slightly retro fashion-sense. Black-framed glasses and short dark hair common. Never blonde.

Marcie from Peanuts and Velma from Scooby Doo can be considered precursors to the Enid archetype.
Jonny's completely in love with an Enid he saw at the Weakerthans concert.
by Luis June 21, 2004
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A small city in Oklahoma located in the northern part of the state. It only has about 50,000 people and is one of the most boring places you'll ever visit.
That place is an Enid
by Greg March 4, 2005
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The name of a starts used by ancient sailors to guide their way to the Caribbean. Rigel & Alfenix were also guiding stars.
Also the name of beautiful girls, tall, blonde and light eyes. Have nice body with curves.
Sailor #1- I don't know where to go anymore.
Sailor #2- Follow the Enid and the Rigel and we'll get there.
Boy #1: What's her name?
Boy #2: Enid, I think, she's new this year.
Boy#1: Dayum! That explains why she's so hot.
by iloveFLo9 April 16, 2009
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New slang for an uberly buff and cool girl/boy/thing. BuffEnid is also a common variation of this.
OMG, Tallulah is such an Enid!
OMG, Bob is sooo BuffEnid!!
by BuffEnid February 8, 2005
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A very pretty and peppy spirit. She is a werewolf and she definitely likes Wednesday.
blonde girl: omg I want to dye my hair like Enid! She and I are like the same person in a different font lol!

regular girl: omg stfu you sound like a pick me... you are so obsessed with that show only bc you saw two edits on your fyp💀
by urfav_samurai December 15, 2022
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