by ginalinettispaghetticonfetti August 26, 2019
Describes a kid who is extremly ugly and likes to date men(ugly girls). It also gets its teeth punched in. Also has a holiday after him.
by Joe November 30, 2004
Get the bareass mug.
by Kayla Taylor July 2, 2005
AKA America’s first Muslim African President —The act of boldly and unashamedly lying with a straight face for the speaker’s s benefit to the detriment of his/her listener. Example: “If you like your health insurance, you get to keep your health insurance”. Man that guy bareassed obamaed y’all big time.
That was a bareass obama when the politician smiled right into the camera and said “If you like your insurance you can keep your insurance “.
by Max Sparks December 8, 2020