A word you say when you don't have anything to talk about. A word that brings people together. A word that makes a person laugh no matter what.
Daniella: BAWLZ!
Gabby: BAWLZ!
by Ethslane February 4, 2017
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They drop nuts on chins!!
Billy: Are BAWLZ any good?

David: How can a billion Chinese be wrong?
by melovebawlzmeneedbalwz February 28, 2009
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Yet another word of the English language "balls" but is pronounced this way by people in New Jersey, Staten Island, Long Island, The Bronx, and Westchester County New York.
She told me to take a quick shower. "Dick and bawlz that's awl.", she said.
by Furiosa the Accursed March 3, 2017
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a type of juicy, creamy fellows that live in saks.
"My bawlz knitted themselves a very nice sack for the winter, they've been working on it all year!"
by bawlzmcjoe June 15, 2022
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"That ice-tea was totally bawlz"
is the equivilent to
"That ice-tea sucked"
by Trevor Jacob December 22, 2005
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Name of the greatest cs clan in the world. Also the name of the most 1337357 drink. (drink bawlz and be the 1337)
hooker with a penis <bawlz>
''(o)(o)_ <bawlz>
AlienwareCrzy <bawlz>
Sniper Range <bawlz>
Be Afraid <bawlz>
x | y tony <bawlz
007 - e34hello <bawlz>
by Daniel June 5, 2003
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L33T_M@JIXX <bawlz>
by Spoole June 15, 2003
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