ACN is an international MLM company operating on 4 continents. The company offers a business ownership opportunity for entrepreneurs who market essential home services such as phone and internet service, wireless products, home security, gas & electricity and more. The company was founded in Michigan in 1993.
by BadBradUS December 26, 2012
Similarly to the other definition here, ACN also stands for a company, Accenture. They will rent your soul on a 25 year lease the moment a college degree touches your hands and kill any joy you have left. Make a PowerPoint at a 5th grade reading for grown adults paid 10x as much as you once a week for the rest of your career. Or work Federal instead of corporate and make twice as much for the trade off of having to write at a 2nd grade reading level for the idiots in congress and never being able to tell Granny what you do for work for the rest of your life
Friend: You look like shit what happened?
Accenture Employee: ACN
Friend: Quit talking in acronyms you fucking lobotomite
Accenture Employee: Quick Presentation Toolkit
Accenture Employee: ACN
Friend: Quit talking in acronyms you fucking lobotomite
Accenture Employee: Quick Presentation Toolkit
by nothingneko April 14, 2023
a skin condition where pores become clogged and an inflammation appears on the skin...almost all people suffer from it at some point and, unlike popular believe, doesn't make someone unattractive and isn't a social disease
by LightBrightInTheNight August 17, 2005
by NoNameDefintion December 31, 2011
by ChristmasSteve August 18, 2011
by gatheringroom69 November 2, 2019