a dude that goes to ocean grove all the time
"oi Stace do you know where Kingy is?"
"he's just being a raw dingo again"
by mxnqwerqwe September 21, 2017
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Blatantly palm covering your phone screen, positioning your body so your phone isn't seen or angling your phone screen away from who you'd like not to see it. a suspect move in general but especially when being done to a significant other or partner in a relationship.
"we were layin down last night and she got a snap. but before she opened it, she started raw hidin.."

"he's usually very open with me about his phone but lately he's been screen blockin every time he gets a text.."
by sexsymbolego November 30, 2015
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Engaging in sexual intercourse without the use of a condom.
Raw involving the lack of a condom and saw involving the motion used during intercourse.
Yo Dave how'd last night go. Just call me Davey raw saw!
by dkonz January 28, 2010
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Commonly referred to as the raw Glick, Glick, or luke stick. A raw Glick is a form of meat in the shape of a shaft. It is commonly mistaken that the Glick must be raw, due to its name, however it is often times cooked. A raw Glick can be consumed in many ways, however, when being culturally appropriate a raw Glick is commonly inhaled as if it were an ice pop.
Hey luke, the Pitt has raw Glick’s.

No way, ima get like 5 I’m starving.
by Flammingyoung October 21, 2019
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When you beat your meat to the point that it becomes extremely red and raw.
I was bored so I decided to beat off. I went for too long and now I have a raw hotdog.
by Arnold Shwartzenigger October 11, 2019
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having sexual intercourse without the use of a condom.
person 1: me and that chick over there did it last night!
person 2: were you safe?
person 1: naw i had to go raw noodle.
person 2: good luck with that.
by devils playground May 24, 2010
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