When a girl is done taking a dump and you have anal sex as soon as she exits the bathroom.
*ring ring*
Tom: Hello?
Sam: Hey Tom! What's up?
Tom: Oh nothing much Sam, you?
Sam: Just waiting for my chick to get out of the bathroom.
Tom: Dude! Are you going to get it while it's hot?
Sam: That's not a bad idea Tom! Oh she's out i got to go.
by jmans12 July 22, 2010
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Refers to a person who has not had sex for a while. Often resulting in over masturbation and a flacid penis. If the individual persits in not getting laid symptoms can progress to homoeroticism, wrist cramps and desperation. (that may lead to sex with becca ahhhhh!!)
See the MATT CLARK Story for further details
by Sven Svenson January 5, 2004
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A phrase coined after the September 11 attacks. Basically it describes a situation that Muslims claim to experience when flying. Basically Muslims are being profiled and have extra security measures taken before the are allowed to get on a plain. Due to the fact that all of the terrorists who high jacked the plans were from a misguided and insane sect of the Muslim religion. That does not know the true meaning of the Koran.
A Muslim meeting the profile of a terrorist can expect to experience Flying while Muslim when they try to board a plain.
by Frank Masotti May 15, 2005
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When black persons do some ordinary activity like having a meal, it may set an unconsciously or consciously racist while person into a rage.
When eating while black the woman rushed to finish her lunch on a five-minute break, she immediately became investigated when her activities were exposed by an outraged white informant in a twitter storm.
by mlhiss May 13, 2019
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Noun: A collection of many short time periods.
We will leave to depart to the mall in "A Few Whiles."
by Jonathan December 1, 2003
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A phrase describing what is necessary when infiltrating an organization as you pretend you are qualified to work there.
I slipped into the role of a White House Advisor knowing sure as shit I needed to employ “fake it while you snake it” to get some insider intel about the Orange One!
by Dr Bunnygirl August 6, 2020
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