The type of trousers one wears when walking around one's home wearing nothing but a tee-shirt, are described as newsreader's trousers. This is because some newsreaders, whilst wearing smart jackets and shirts, may have been naked from the waist down whilst appearing behind a television studio newsdesk.
Michael Fish, a once prominent weather presenter on the BBC, was once rumoured to have presented the weather wearing a smart jacket and tie and only a pair of underpants, knowing only his torso was in shot. Michael Fish once eore newsreader's trousers.
by dewexdewex February 5, 2007
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noun - A negative term to specify an abundence of men, particularly at the urinals but can also be applied to events dominated by males in a similar fashion as "sausage fest".
"Grr, couldn't piss, there was a massive trouser crowd"
by Magic Mungo May 15, 2010
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The Trouser Snake is the most feared yet desired animal in the Animal Kingdom. When threatened, the normally docile and relaxed trouser snake tenses up into an erect position in order to increase its size to scare off an attacker. However, if this show of size and ferocity doesn't provoke fear its attacker, the Trouser Snake has been known to use its body to viciously ram the opponent repeatedly until it is driven away. Even more astounding, if the trouser snake can't frighten off an attacker with its body, it has been known to spit a white, gooey substance into an opponent's face, usually aiming for the eyes or oral region. His substance has been shown to induce either two reactions - uncontrollable gagging and blindness, or curiously enough, intense sensations of pleasure and satisfaction. This act has been linked to provocations from surprise, physical stimulation, and also in displays of sexual prowess for its partner or potential mate.
Candy surprised a sleeping Trouser Snake by grabbing it around the neck - in response, the Trouser snake stood up and spit a mouthful of white goo onto her chest.
by MightyTightyWhities July 30, 2009
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my trouser trout wants to jump into your lake
by boomer2 July 29, 2003
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(noun) a flat- or house-share where the residents are exclusively male.
i'm going to live with all the guys in a house of trouser.
by scottish fruit September 5, 2004
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a lesbian "player", generally of the more androgynous gender presentation and very charismatic.
Shane from the L-word is clearly a weasel in trousers.
by AuntF October 15, 2010
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