One of the coolest kids at your school. Colton Kikes is the most athletic kid in your school and plays soccer, football, and basketball. (Because everyone knows that baseball is a gay sport.) Plus, he is one of the cutest kids in your school and you won't ever wanna let him go if you end up dating him.
Colton Kikes is literally the coolest kid in your school.
by Ur Mom's Boyfriend March 2, 2021
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An unbelievably long vascular but flaccid penis.
The buff man pulled down his pants to reveal his large package, to bad he has a pistol kiking.
by SirJr420 January 22, 2018
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a regular pair of scissors that can be used for anything.
hey pass me that kike spike i need something to chop up this dope.

my kike spike is very sharp.
by CurvedMirror July 2, 2008
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common practice among nazi during ww2. a spicy kike was when you maced a kike before incinerating them just because it made u and your nazi buddies laugh
nazi 1 - theres nothing like a spicy kike

nazi 2- i hear that (old nazis laugh together and then sigh as they miss the good ol days)
by rawdogkilla November 8, 2013
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Somebody who only dates Jews. A Kike Monger may be either male or female. It is the Jewish equivalent of a Christ Monger.
I asked Mordecai out on a date but he kindly said that as a Jew he would only date Jews. Mordecai is a bonafide Kike Monger.
by Jew-Z January 8, 2013
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Bullshit or horseshit. Used in a state of anger or disbelief for those who despise the Jewish race.
John: "Hey man can you drive me home?"
Jake: "Nah man my fucking car just died."
John: "Horse Kike!."
by HofstraHorseKikes December 15, 2009
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A phrase first coined at Apache Lake AZ in October of 2011, defined as a beachgoer with cheap, frugal, or mooching qualities. Often seen on beaches at lakes and/or coastlines, this person will travel from campsite to campsite, or between groups of people or hangout spots, scamming away beer, alcohol, cigarettes etc with absolutely no intentions of returning the favor. Has also been known to show up at food and refreshment stands, bars, waterside restaurants and nightclubs, and will attempt to bargain down (haggle) prices at these establishments with Jewlike precision. Also have the ability to scam away women.
Coolguy A- Hey man did you see that Berry Goldstein Beach Kike?

Coolguy B- Yeah I saw him! He used his heeblike skills to swindle Jager and Captain Morgan from that group of guys up the beach.

Coolguy A- *Laughs* Too bad he wasn't fast enough though, those guys stomped his kike ass all over the beach!
by Amishflap January 2, 2012
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