Hook, or to hook is when your tires grab instead of break loose durring acceleration
"My 60'time was crap cause I couldnt hook for shit."
by SATANZ31 October 15, 2006
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A person who cheats on line calls in tennis.
That hook hooked me out of the last three points, dagnabbit!
by Bill April 9, 2004
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to stick a finger up an asshole and pull down.
My girlfriend gave me the hook last night while she was giving me a blow job.
by xenophon54 March 15, 2011
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the nickname for a VL ; to describe one's cycle
"Look at the hook ass nigga."
"My hook is on."
by Pynk_panther September 9, 2004
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Used to describe the action of one "hooking you up" with an item. Usually a cigarette, or some kind of food, but has recently been taken over by every other object. Used by stoners and everyone in Thunder Bay.
Person 1: These Pringles are pretty dece preemz.

Person 2: Man, hooks!
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when you're trying to pick up a person, putting in groundwork
-hey sarah!
-go away, i'm hooking johno!!!
by Nikki Sasquatch April 19, 2009
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