The place one finds oneself when responsible for bringing someone else's misfortune to light.
Graham: "What a bitch, she's totally just put me in the shame cave, what i did wasn't even that bad"

Gloria: "Don't worry, she's in the blame cave now and everyone will avoid that like the plague"
by Cave lover April 8, 2012
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The album that cured everyone’s depression in 2020
Person 1: Yo did you hear about Blame it on baby? I don’t want to kill someone anymore!
by Jamesonfenway April 17, 2020
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This is an excuse used to explain why a person has been sleeping in extremely late, usually later every day. The reason for this is because a bed is so extremely comfortable a person has a hard time getting up. This is usually the case for an unemployed individual who is not seeking a job and doesn't have anything to do for the day.
Ashley: What time you get up today?
John: Uhh around 5 pm
Ashley: WTF you woke up at 4 pm yesterday the day is over by the time you even get up!
John: Its not my fault, Blame it on the bed.
by aaron_768 February 9, 2007
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Similar to the blame game. The blame train starts with one person blaming another for faults. This will continue along until one person is left to blame, hence, at the end of the blame train. This often occurs at work, and sometimes at home.
Manager: Mike, did you drink all the coffee?

Mike: Nope, that was Jeff.

Manager: Jeff, did you drink all the coffee?

Jeff: No, I'm pretty sure Bob did.

Manager: Bob....I know you drank all the coffee because you're on the end of this blame train. You're fired.

Bob: WTF!?
by FrostyBB July 8, 2010
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a third party who cops the blame for anothers indescretion.
I droped the worst fart the other day and used my baby son as my blame hound.
by Golden Leper July 4, 2003
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blaming anything and everything except what is actually wrong
Candice: “Trans kids and Obama are the real reason for all the mass shootings in America.”

Travis: Thought you had game, Candice, but you just got the blame game.
by weallcannibal August 5, 2019
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the best, free, sexually attractive, e-kitten grabbing, discord bot!
jamal: bro, my discord e-kitten just left my pack today..
johnathon: your such a beta bro.. Just use blame bot! it's made me an alpha kitten!
by jamal_frm_63rd January 2, 2022
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