A shortened version of bad ass/badass. It is also a "cleaner" alternative to using the real word, like if you're around kids or something. Used less often when referring to a person though (as is the case with "bad ass"), more often used to describe object, events, etc. Also IM/text shorthand for bad ass.
"Dude that shirt is bad a!"

Cindi: "Are you going to the concert?"
Rick: "Yeah, I hear it's supposed to be totally bad a."
by Mountain Girl August 25, 2008
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expressin likeness towards something, OR being impressed by it
that car is badness! {that car's off d hook}.... OR those shoes look like pure badness (shoes look hott)
by Weezee May 1, 2006
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1. the opposite of GOOD. See some of the synonym tags below.

2. tough, cool, macho, poised, refined, alright, reserved, studly, get the idea? You don't have to be a man to be bad - some women fit into this category too. Also, "bad" isn't exclusively for straight people either. There are many gay men (and women) who are "bad" too. "Badness" is a description of a personality and character, not a shallow imitation.

3. Michael Jackson's famous album from 1987. It entered the album charts at Number One ( a rare feat at the time) and scored several big hits like the previous 1982 classic album "Thriller". However this time a new chart record was also achieved: BAD scored FIVE Number One hits - "I Just Can't Stop Loving You" (with Siedah Garrett), the title track (... I'm bad, I'm bad, you know it...really really bad..."), "The Way You Make Me Feel" (... ain't nobody's business...), "Man In The Mirror" (...make that change!), and "Dirty Diana" (come ON!). Check it out.

4. B.A.D. or

is a neighborhood club set up by Al Bundy on the TV show "Married With Children".

5. BAD is also



a clubby techno dance rock band formed by Clash guitarist Mick Jones around 1984. They made innovative albums and in 1990 a new lineup resulted in BAD II. They're best known for their 1991 hit "Rush", about this time their music became oversampled big time. A few years later the band became just "Big Audio". They split up about a year afterward. The first BAD incarnation made the best stuff like "The Bottom Line" and "C'mon Every Beatbox".
1. Stay away from Vanessa, Rico. She is bad news. A real bad apple.

2. My girlfriend is a smoker but she keeps trying to quit. She says to me to don't ever start, it's a bad habit.

3. Billy Idol is one bad dude. You can tell by his songs, his videos, his sneer and his shows. They don't call him an "idol" for nothing!

4. U2 made a tune called "Bad". So have other people. Also, George Thorogood has proclaimed himself to be "Bad To The Bone". So have the reggae band Inner Circle on a different tune of the same name. They also scored a big hit "Bad Boys" (the theme from COPS).

5. Michael Jackson's BAD album had a chart run that lasted for the rest of the decade. The hits kept on a-comin'.

6. Al Bundy established his BAD club during one of the first few seasons of the show, IOW while it still had some funny elements to it, before it "jumped the shark".

7. Big Audio Dynamite's second album had Mick Jones' Clashmate Joe Strummer make a guest appearance on it.
by I Saw U2 Live Twice July 24, 2009
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When a man, specifically a Greek man is eating a home cooked meal and says "Not bad."
What he really means is that the meal is to his liking and he is satisfied.
"How is the lasagna Doctor?" asked the Paki girl. With his lips full of tomatoe sauce the Doctor replies "Not bad."
by ctwoman February 21, 2012
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1) Any kind of situation that cant end up being good
2) Anti-good
1)Mexico + Sun + A cold Drink + beautiful woman = Good!!!
Emo + Prep + Napalm = BAD!!!!

2) Steven Harper
by Keir1063 July 24, 2006
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Word for vagina that you use when you are really amazing.
She stuck a carrot up her badness, SO WEIRD!
by Ashley Hemmingway April 15, 2008
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To hit someone on the head with a stick
Me: Ayt dude
Pete: Sup man
Me: Dude, you see them fuckers over there?
Pete: Yeah?...
Me: Lets go bad them dude!
*Hits on head with stick*
by Pinkerage June 25, 2005
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