When you and your homies rubber rooming together irl or in vc

crazy? i was crazy once they locked me in a room a rubber room a rubber room with rats and rats make me crazy,
crazy? i was crazy once they locked me in a room a rubber room a rubber room with rats and rats make me crazy,
crazy? i was crazy once they locked me in a room a rubber room a rubber room with rats and rats make me crazy
Hello Incert name come join us we are rubber rooming right now
by Bill Nye the moai guy August 11, 2023
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to have sex with a person using a condom
sup bro was she tickling the rubber?
by shakaberry May 15, 2010
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A prostitute, a homeless street whore or a meth mouthed meth whore, willing to provide $20 hand jobs for food and/or drug money.
Roger drove through the hood on his way home from work and picked up a prostitute who graciously slapped his man meat around when he asked for a Tubber Rubber.
by Eaton Holgoode June 3, 2016
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When a male has a condom on and his dick is soft.
Girl: "Are you ready babe?"
Boy: "Hold on, I have a rubber goose..again"
by xfg/dugas98 July 15, 2014
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When an internet connection (specifically in online gaming) is lagging to the point that one's character will jump from one place to another, as though it were being snapped around with a rubber band.
Joe: Dude, I think that guy is hacking. He's teleporting!

Adam: Nah, his ping's 834. He's just Rubber Banding.
by Althalin March 27, 2010
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