The USA should build a wall around themselves to keep the stinky odor inside!
by pseudofxc November 27, 2018
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Fat/obese, racist, gun wielding people who eat hamburgers and drink starbucks everyday. Also Donald trump and bald eagles.
USA is the cause of obesity.
by Delirious123 July 6, 2016
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The United Snakes of America is a country that declared independence from Great Britain in 1776. It was founded by the "Founding Fathers." It has become a corrupted, obese country. Being the most obese superpower.
USA, Land of the thieves, home of of the slaves.
by Freakonomy November 13, 2017
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Heart of all the world's problems, it is where everything turns upside down.
Person 1: "Dude, I ran out of oil."
Person 2: "It's because of USA isn't it?"
by goddarnitt January 2, 2011
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where kim jong un can text donald trump that this peice of land mass will be his in 5 years
by lindseystirling-koshy February 5, 2018
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An insult.
S uck
A ss

A good one because the first thing that springs to mind is the country, the meaning is not obvious.
Person 1: *goes on losing streak*
Person 2: USA!
Person 1: Your dumb
Person 2: I mean, U, Suck, Ass!
by A dying goat February 18, 2018
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America is a coutry in America. Big country, big people, big McDonalds buget.
by Vojna May 28, 2018
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