36 definitions by A dying goat

Retard on a youtube video: first yaaay!
Me: nobody cares...
by A dying goat February 25, 2020
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An adjective that most people use to describe a crappy device. Notably cameras and computers, on YouTube.
May also be used to describe something that is cheap as dirt.
Did you film this with a potato and edit it with another one?
by A dying goat December 2, 2017
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The stupid subject that prevents me from being able to attend university however good my other subjects' grades are
Oh god oh fuck I got a level 3 in DSE chinese language! Yay screw the paper of death!!!
by A dying goat July 11, 2021
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A term originating from 1984 referring to the cheap entertainment (porn + low quality entertainment news) handed out by Ingsoc to the masses. Since then, thid term has been used to describe cheap entertainment that is purely crap.
Korean pop is just prolefeed. Turn it off and play some beautiful EDM or some meaningful Rock or Metal.
by A dying goat January 17, 2019
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A really uncomfortable and/or cringeworthy and annoying person/thing/incident.
Guy 1: Oh look some boy scouts. And we are big haters of them. They seemed to be coming to pick us off.
Guy 2: Holesome. RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!
by A dying goat August 21, 2017
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Something you will pay at least 500 USD a month in Hong Kong.
It is a symbol of Hong Kong poverty and income equality, which is very serious here.
Pay your rent of 500 USD now to continue living in this subdivided flat of 55 square feet. If you don't you are going homeless. Come on just use your CSSA money
by A dying goat June 25, 2021
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