Tight leather shorts with big elastic braces over the shoulder to hold in your boulders.
My friend makes words up drunk as fuck. He texts's another Oi wheres my Rum tuggers? I need them to play football tomorrow I feel naked with out them. we all look at him and thing WTF? Pip texts back Ill fetch them back I'v just shit them but they will be O.k
by Nut1974 September 5, 2014
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When two men get naked and stick there dicks into a chinese finger trap. The first one out wins the chinese tugger challenge and moves on to the next round to face a bigger or smaller opponant.
Guy 1: Hey how about we go get wrapped up in a chinese tugger later?

Guy 2 No thanks, I'm not a big fan of that game because i feel like i should look you in the eyes when we battle and then i cant concentrate sorry.
by hoodsinthewoods88 February 19, 2011
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When one uses a bat to simulate sex by holding the fat end of a bat in one hand and sliding the small end of the bat through a ring shape made by fingers on the other hand.
After the Coach asked the players if they were fags, he did the Louisville tugger and asked if they were fucking each other.
by TheBobFrom1969 May 7, 2011
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A derogatory reference to anyone that is just a complete prick or jack off. A way to extol the biggest jack ass and wanker you know and give them credit for the cock smack they are.
Frank: Hey Roger. How are things with your new boss Carl over in Logistics?
Roger: I am sick of that Fuck Stick. He is making everyone's life miserable.

Frank: That's too bad. Guess everyone is now reporting to the Office of The Tugger General.
Roger: That's straight up shit, Braaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh.
by Eaton Holgoode April 17, 2015
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An extremely annoying person that posesses a strong fondness for dick.
"I'd rather not join scott for dinner this evening. He's simply far to much of a ball tugger for my liking."
by $$ G Spot $$ December 28, 2010
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1. A cat from T.S Elliott's "Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats". Like Tiger Woods, he sleeps around. Many debate whether it is just with the female cats. Often seen ticking off Mr. Mistoffelees or his brother, Munkustrap. Tugger seems to have a habit of being loud, obnoxious, crude, attention craving, and clingy.
2. Anything that can be described as a terrible bore.
3. A male whore who craves attention.
"The Rum Tum Tugger is a terrible bore."~Mr. Mistoffelees
by CheshireAxel January 5, 2010
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