A boy who has huge tits and thinks he is hot and goes for girls he can't get.
normally fat and ugly

or short and ugly
kevin v. is a major tity tiger if he likes mckenzie

matt s. is even more of a tity tiger for going for claire
by hatematt January 23, 2010
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A name given to somebody that’s does not want that name.

Commonly given by Puerto Rican women who are known for being wack.
Hey look it’s Titi Feli.

That’s not my name
Yo it’s titi!
by Not titi feli October 22, 2019
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Someone who is male that has pathetic women breasts.
by Anonymous May 17, 2003
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Titie Sprinkles: an exclamation to be used in a bad situation or an insult.
AH titie sprinkles! i forgot to do my homework!
Shut the hell up you tite sprinkle!
by Hatchetmanant April 25, 2008
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The definition of when you shit on a females tit then eat it
Omg me and my girl had the best shity tity sex
by Suck Duck July 19, 2019
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