Something that's more difficult than too hard, but not quite as hard as four hard.
Scoots: LoRes, why U R keep macken up dees words?

LoRes: IDK My BFF Jill? That question is three hard for me!
by LoRes August 19, 2008
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Having a large quantity of beers because your partner is with child
"You're really knocking them back bro!" "Yeah, the wife is pregnant so I'm drinking for three..."
by Seymour Dub December 11, 2014
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A sneaky way to tell someone "I love you" without actually saying it. A shorter version of Five Words which stands for "I love you very much". Very usefull when talking to your parents and your friends are around. Sneaking around on the girlfriend. Or in any other situation with someone or something.
kim: "i had a great time last night"

john: "me too, three words".
by Dr. flowerhouse March 21, 2011
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Another way of stating that you're Out of Office .
Dude,I'm Three O for the week catch ya later.
His/Her Three O is still on .. we need to text him/her to change her status..
by Jamfetto October 15, 2008
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Person who runs Galaxy News Radio.
"Cuz one dog ain't enough and two dogs is too low, so here I am three dog"
by Three Dog February 19, 2009
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A horribly ugly chick that during sex requires a bag over her head, one over yours, and one on any poor soul that happens to walk by.
Damn shorty did you see that three bagger I picked up last night. I must have been so wasted but damn can she suck dick.
by BlindsideF March 21, 2005
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